26 March 2012

Postage Stamp Evaluation

We have been asked for this brief to evaluate it in terms of the classifications of the approaches we took in designing it.

These are
Systematic Approach
Based on systematic collection and modification of components, characteristics and means of expression, such as restructuring/combining/replacing/adding etc.

Stimulated Approach
A conscious or subconscious search for inspiration from an external repertoire, such as in books, on the internet etc. The main concern is with the development of analogies and associative approaches, which are then further developed into individual solutions.

Intuitive Approach
The development of the thought process which is primarily based on internalised perceptions and knowledge, that is to say an internal repertoire. This type of thought process may occur spontaneously.

With this brief, I think the most important thing I found was to first look at research based on sustainability and environmentalism, which I found via several websites such as WWF and the Guardian. I think this means I first used the stimulated approach, as I was searching for inspiration for a concept from an external source.

After looking at research online, I then developed concepts and ideas throughout the week, and whilst some were based on research, some ideas were just based on things that popped into my head, so at this point I was using more of an intuitive approach to the brief.

Finally, after creating initial design ideas, I began to modify them and play around with them to see what was working and what wasn't. Over the last week my ideas developed further as I explored several different typefaces and ways of creating a minimal design, and this part of my design process was based on the systematic approach.

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