22 April 2012

What is a Line Finished Booklets

I've managed to successfully bind my books together using the simple saddle stitch technique. I used a long armed, heavy duty stapler to ensure all the booklets were bound together properly, and although I found it more difficult than I expected, (because of trying to staple it perfectly on the edge of the spine)  I'm pleased with the outcomes. 

I think the colourful stocks I have chosen have worked quite well too, because they add a little bit more visual interest to the booklets. I'm also glad I used the logos for the shows as the front page because they are easily identifiable. 

If I could change anything about the booklets it would be the stock that I have used inside, I probably would have gone for something a little thinner and maybe more matt. The inside doesn't look that professional, and some of the ink has run and made the text look slightly fuzzy, where as I wanted it to feel very crisp and stylish. 

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