28 November 2012

Individual Practice - Q & A

Why have you chosen it?
I chose the Very Brief to focus on mainly because fashion graphics is an area I have been keen to work on previously but have never really had a chance to, and I thought that it would be good to choose this kind of brief whilst I had to opportunity to experiment with it. 

What do you want to get out of it?
I would like to find out from doing this brief if it is an area of design worth exploring further, 

What do you want to do or make?
From reading the brief, and thinking about the target customer, I believe that either an app or a e-magazine would be the best design outcomes, as well as promotional material for the app/e-magazine to make customers aware of it. This will be difficult to carry out in a style that the Very brand guidelines have stated they would like, so I may have to experiment with the Very identity to make it more visually appealing and targeted at the right audience. It would be interesting to create an app, as digital work is something I haven't really attempted properly yet. 

Why do you want to enter this brief?
I enjoy fashion, and so wanted to explore fashion graphics, but I also found the concept of creating a response that would be released monthly interesting, and Very didn't have any limits on what was possible in terms of format, they wanted to explore a lot of avenues of possibility. Probably not a positive further along the line when I have too many ideas, but when I chose it the fact that there were so many possibilites was appealing to me. 

What is the problem?
Very want something that can be released monthly that will appeal to their target audience and advise them on the month's trends and fashion events. As Very are a large commercial brand, they really need to have something fresh and original to compete with the more luxe fashion labels, and also other companies similar to themselves. 

What is it asking of you?
Create a campaign released monthly that will advise the audience of the upcoming fashion events, in Very's definitive tone of voice.  

What is it trying to achieve?
They are trying to compete with similar brands by creating something unique and desirable that will boost their business. 

What are the 10 most important words in the brief?

Style events


What is the message?
Very want to inform and advise style shy customers with the outcome of this brief, as well as bringing the brand's personality to life so that the customer is engaging with the brand. 

Who is the audience? (List 5)
Busy Professional women

Stay at Home Mum's
Women aged 25-44
Women with an interest in fashion, who may lack style confidence
Classification C1C2DE

What is the context? (List 5)
Internet site

Mobile phone apps
Television adverts
Magazine adverts

What products are associated with the brief? (List 5)

Fashion products

What do you have to do?
I have to create an outcome that communicates the month's style events to the Very customer in a way that is informative, but also keeps the distinct tone of voice that Very has as a brand. 

What do you need to do?
I need to research into other digital fashion products, and how they are designed and distributed/promoted to the audience, look further into their past campaigns to understand their tone of voice, and research into the brand's personality so that I can successfully communicate this to the audience. 

What can you do?
I can create a print and digital campaign that would be released each month to make customer's aware of the upcoming style events and trends.

What could you do?
Create an app, as well as printed promotion, but also push the experiential side of the brand, so that it brings the brand to life outside of the internet, for example having fashion shows each month, with celebrity ambassadors there to present the shows or give advice and style tips in person. This would create more publicity for the brand. 

10 things that make a winning competition entry:
- Correct Submission / Meeting the Deadline
- Informed Research
- Innovative Idea's
- Understanding of company / brand / charity goals
- Contextualisation
- Professional execution
- Effective Communication
- Confidence in Design (Not Cockiness)
- Quality of Presentation and Finish
- Informed Decisions

Things to consider when working on these briefs- What hasn't been done before?
- What do you already know?
- What do you need to find out?
- What is stopping you?

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