8 January 2013

Initial Poster Designs

I have been working on the designs for the posters I will creating for this brief, which I want to focus on distorting the type and being quite experimental with the layout and the composition of the text. 
The first one I am working on is the Stone Roses 'I wanna be adored', because I think this is one of their most iconic songs, so it would reach a broader audience than choosing an obscure track.
My initial drawing just mocked up what I wanted the layout to took like, and I want to use a mix of sans serif and serif typefaces, which is in keeping with works that I have looked at on my design context blog.

I'm not incredibly happy with it at the moment, but it's a starting point to develop it. Some of the text seems too far apart and it doesn't feel like a complete image at the moment. I used red to represent the meaning of the songs.

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