25 January 2013

ISTD: Creating the Website

I have created the Index page for my proposed ISTD website, which would be an online shop version of the Revival Record Store I have created the branding for.

I have created a mock up of the website, but I wanted to try and create it for real, and am overall quite happy with the result. 

All of the coding I have created is relatively simple, but I wanted the layout to be simple and bold so that the logo could be the main feature of the index page.The only thing I am not really happy with on the index page is the spacing of the navigation bar, which is due to me keeping all of the containers the same size despite the difference sizes of the text within the buttons, so it doesn't appear very balanced. Ideally the image containers would be buttons instead so that the links would take you directly to the specific part of the page, but for the sake of time I have kept them just as images, with only the main buttons as clickable links. 

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