18 February 2013

Collaborative Practice: Updated Contract

Me and Suzanne have a second collaborative partner.
David Gaskell has joined us after being rejected by society...unfortunately he didn't qualify to join the X Men. Just kidding. He has joined us after being allowed by Fred to leave his group.

Why have you chosen to work with your creative partner? What are your aims?
David's work is very concept driven and he is always able to generate a lot of creative ideas. He also has an interest in advertising and copywriting, which is an interest I share, and he also has a very tongue in cheek sense of humour, similar to me and Suzanne. He also produces strong research and interesting design work. 

What are your specific areas of creative interest in this brief?

With it being the UK Greetings brief, our areas of creative interest are based in print, both in the different processes we can explore, and the finishes that can be applied to the cards. We want to use quotes and sayings on the cards so for the brief we will be focussing on typography, although we may consider using illustration if appropriate. 

What specific design skills do you have to offer in relation to your chosen brief? How do you intend to use them?

I feel like I am quite good with copy and using typography in my work, which will be useful if we are to include quotes and phrases on our cards. I also feel I can come up with a variety of design ideas and concepts which will help us to develop our brief successfully. 

What specific non-design skills do you have to offer in relation to your chosen brief? How do you intend to use them?

Time management to ensure that we work to the quite short time scale we have to complete the brief.

What will your specific roles be in the collaboration in relation to your brief?

Mine: Copywriter/Type Designer
Suzanne's: Layout designer/Finisher
David: Copywriter/ Type Designer

What will your individual responsibilities be in relation to your brief?

Mine: Sourcing copy,writing out quotes and phrases/ Design ideas
Suzanne's: Researching techniques/Format/Design ideas/Photography
David's: Researching formats/ Design ideas/Type sourcing and use 

What will your joint responsibilities be?

Sourcing research.
Managing time and booking print slots/organising sending the designs off for prints/finishes.
Creating the presentation boards to send off to YCN. 

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