18 February 2013

Secret 7" Mini Evaluation

Brief: Secret 7" Elton John

Time taken to complete: Approm 1 month

I have now completed my entry into Secret 7" competition. Originally I was really excited to do this brief, but it has been quite challenging and I'm not sure how happy I am with my entry really. I chose to do the brief because I had wanted to enter last year and wasn't confident enough in my ideas, and also because I do have an interest in record sleeve design and music graphics, but haven't really looked into them until now. The main challenge was trying to communicate the song in a way that was aesthetically strong, but also making sure that it would be recognisable to fans of the song. The two designs I wanted to choose between were quite different in their presentation of the same idea, and the one that I chose to upload, now looks awful on the site because of the cmyk colours which I think will affect the way people vote on it. I wish that I had listened to myself instead of my peers on this one, as I do think that the bright yellow one would have probably looked better on the site. I also wish that I could have pushed myself to use more hand rendered illustration instead of resorting to digital which I struggled with on this brief.

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