12 March 2013

Collaborative Practice: UK Greetings Mini Evaluation

We have now sent off our design boards for consideration in the YCN + UK Greetings brief. I feel like although unconventional, our concept has a warmth and light heartedness that people enjoy in cards, and the subject is something that me, David and Suzanne have actually enjoyed working with, instead of feeling tied down to something conventional that has already been done before. The products were only proposed in the end as we had some problems with the stamping printing we chose, but I feel like we proposed them well and that the concept was put across clearly on the boards we sent off.
Working with Suzanne and David has been a positive experience, and although we were not David's original intended group, I think our group benefitted from having 3 people as it lightened the load and meant that we could really focus on our strengths between us, so it felt like a true collaboration as opposed to all 3 of us working at the same time on the same things. All the design decisions we came to were made as a group, and there were no disagreements or unpleasantness.
We all worked hard on the brief, and I think we definitely played to our personal strengths. If the opportunity arose, I would definitely like to work with them again.

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