20 March 2013

What is Good? Booklet Crit

Today we had a quite informal crit of each other's work for the 16 page booklets. It was interesting to see how people had interpreted the brief and the way that they have laid out their research and presented their findings into their chosen topic.

Here was the feedback for my booklet.

Original and Creative Format
The booklet is interactive and gets the reader to engage with it
Simple and playful
Eye catching use of stock
Binding works well

Format is a little confusing when you first look at it
Could have used laser cutting for the front cover to make it look more like cheese
Could make it smell like cheese (not sure how well this would go down)

Overall I was pleased that people liked the format of the publication, although I do agree with whoever said that it was confusing to look at at first, because there is no signal that you are to interact with the booklet, so that is something I will try and address. I also agreed with the laser cutting suggestion, as this was my original plan for the booklet, but I didn't have time to book a laser cut slot, again this is something I would like to try and look into for printing the booklet properly.

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