23 April 2013

Concept Workshop

Today we had a concept workshop with Simon and Lorraine where we had to work on creating a concept for a bar in London. We could only use the words that were given to us randomly which turned out to be more difficult than expected when the words you receive are analog, million and strong. Initial brainstorming led us through ideas relating more to the word analog than anything else, as the others simply would have been too cheesy. Our initial ideas for analog were to do with making it into either a DIY cocktail bar where you have to make everything yourself, or to do with the style of the bar being old analog products such as old radios and jukeboxes. In contrast to this, we also thought about making everything hyper digital and futuristic with a virtual bar or even alternate realities within different areas. This then led us onto the idea of the bar we called analogous, where everything is the same but subtly different to create an interesting experience and perhaps an interest in being able to spot the differences. We were debating the idea of having the bar split into sections, or having different locations where the products would be slightly different. I did not really enjoy this concept workshop as to me it simply took time away from working on our own concepts.

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