13 May 2013

What is Good: Printed Business Cards

I have now printed and completed my business cards. I am not totally happy with their quality, as I faced some problems when triplexing and cutting the cards down to size. If I had more time to reprint and finish them I would, but I simply do not have the time to do this now.

Instead of printing the logo onto the front of the business card, I decided to leave this blank and use my logo stamp, as I think that this adds to the quality of the card in a way that digital print could not achieve. Had I been able to do it, I would have preferred to screen print the back of the cards as unfortunately I did have to digitally print these and the effect isn't as strong, and the colour that I expected from the red has come out more orange which I had not anticipated but was not able to change.

When triplexing the cards, I faced problems with using the guillotine, which did not cut the thick card neatly, making tiny rips which I then had to cut down further which has ended up removing the borders on my cream stock cards. The red prints have come out better visually but they are not finished in the same way as the cream ones, which I am not happy with, but I did not have a thick blue stock to triplex them with.

There is also a difference in colour between the front and the back of the cream business card, which I am annoyed with but again do not have time to change.

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