31 January 2012

Progress Crit

We had our final progress crit, where we presented our work so far, and then someone else from the group had to come and crit it based on design direction, development, visual quality and technical competence.
The feedback I got was really useful, and also quite positive, which made me feel a little better about it and also gave me so ideas as to how to improve what I already had, such as utilising the Japanese symbols more in the logo and the other products so that it was more recognisable.
I then had to crit my own work, and whilst I was quite positive about my work, I do worry that maybe it isn't innovative enough, and that all the designs might end up looking a bit too similar to each other, making it seem lazy, when I just wanted to keep it simple design wise because of the audience and the time constraints.
I also worry that it will criticised for not really solving a problem, as there is very little link to info graphics in my work, as opposed to others who have used it quite heavily.

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