23 February 2012

Final Designs/Prints

Below are my final designs and the print outs I have completed today. I think this is the most focussed I've been on the course, considering that I've completed these designs in a day after some planning of the designs yesterday. I'm really happy that I've actually used image in a design!
In terms of them pleasing Erik Kessels, of course it would be lovely to be picked, but I understand that I haven't exactly followed his conventions. I'd like to think I have made the rain seem attractive without being cheesy or pretentious, and after all, the two things the British are known for are rain and our amazing sense of humour (that's right, I'm a patriot). 
Besides, I got to thinking that maybe he wouldn't mind seeing something that wasn't totally his style, especially if all anyone else on other courses hand in are swiss modernist posters with helvetica text. Obviously I'm not putting down swiss modernism, but it's always nice to have a bit of variety. 

The prints look better than the one I tried before because I used water colour paper, and I think the style of the image works well with the stock now, and it feels like better quality. 

Possibly the text I've used at the bottom could be more readable, and if I had time that is something I would look at improving, but I'm pleased that for once there are no typos, no smudges, nothing that makes it look completely amateurish.  

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