28 February 2012

The 'X' Factor

Todays design principles task was a teensy bit challenging.
Create a large scale letter, split into different planes, that when viewed through a viewfinder, comes together to make the chosen letter, in the same style of the channel 4 idents.

Greta, Thomas, Luke, Suzanne and me chose to work with the letter X, which ended up being useful because it was easy to construct since it is basically two straight lines stuck together. Creating the viewfinder was relatively simple, and we decided that placing it in a portrait format would allow the x to be viewed more easily. 

In all we had 5 separate planes that each had one part of the dissected letterform in its place. It was a lot of trial and error, and it was actually really useful to just do it instead of drawing and planning it first, which I think was the whole point.   

To hold things into place we used a pulley system with string, which was a challenge but helped a lot. 

We were very proud of our creation, and think it actually worked really well. 

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