20 April 2012

Text Hierarchy in Glamour Magazine - Importance of Information

I wanted to go back and look at type hierarchy again, but I was mainly interested in its use in magazines, as there is so much information being displayed in them, and particularly with cheaper, more mainstream magazines, their design must aggressively attract the viewer and sell the magazine quickly. 
Glamour is one of the most popular magazines, and whilst I don't think it's editorial style is perfect, it does have a wide appeal, and I thought it would be interesting to explore the use of text in it.

1.Block, bold pink text - eye catching, and the largest text on the cover. This highlights the main interview story as one of the main selling points of the issue, and links to the cover girl image.
2.Black and pink, block bold text - second most important selling point of the magazine being the promise of free goods for buying the magazine, the use of large text attracts the attention of the viewer.
3.Black text, lower case. The large numbers display the main fashion story, and highlighting the number of buys aims to show the viewer that the magazine is value for money.
4. The text is smaller for this story, but 'sex moves' is highlighted in pink, and a larger point size, which again aims to appeal to the female target market in an obvious manner. 
5. The mix of block caps and lower cap text of this story is in smaller point size, but the contrast still attracts the eye of the viewer, and its central position on the page also means it will be something that readers see first. 

1. Very large point size and emboldened text, which attracts the attention of the viewer first and foremost. This, along with the actual subject of the title, emphasises the appeal to read the feature.
2. 'How to be' although part of the title, is in a lighter typeface, but with a similar point size, and therefore isn't emphasised as heavily, and is simply there to present the main part of the header. 
3. This part of text is important to the story, as it explains the content of the feature, but is in a far smaller point size, which creates a contrast. Its position on the page, immediately next to the title, means that this will most likely be read straight after the title. 
4.These sample quotes are important to the feature because they take a small soundbite of the interview that will invite the viewers attention, because they may see a similarity between themselves and the women in the article. These pieces of text are in a larger point size to the rest of the article, which places emphasis on their importance. 
5. This piece of text is similar to the introductory quotes, as it is taking a piece of the interview that will immediately appeal to the viewer, and by emboldening it, and placing it in a different colour to the rest of the article ensures that is noticeable. 
6. The main article is presented in a small point size, but the red, bolder text that begins the sentences and simplifies the point being made again ensures its importance. 

1. Because this is an advertisement for the companies website, the most important piece of information on the page is the address of the website, and with Glamour being presented in a contrasting point size, it emphasises the company name and reinforces the importance, so that readers know to pay attention to the page. 
2. This smaller piece of text follows on from the website address and the use of phrasing plays to the viewers desire to be fashionable. The stylish typeface and the block caps text means it will be read secondly. 
3. With the use of white text on black, it attracts the viewers attention and adds a visual interest to the page, as it contrasts the design of the rest of the advert. 
4. With the the bolder black text, in a larger point size than the limited body copy on the page, it again highlights the importance of the story, and displays the example content of the website. 
5. This text, although lighter, is larger in point size and attracts attention in that way. 
6. Again, the use of white text on black creates a contrast from the rest of the page, and highlights the calibre of the celebrities being featured on the website.
7. Use of a different weighting and point size, and its placing at the bottom of the page ensures it will be one of the last things they read, and hence the main thing they remember, promoting traffic to the website and social networking sites related to it. 

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