27 February 2013

And That's Why, You Should Always Leave a Note...

Today it has dawned upon me that my initial 'Good is' topic and concept will have to be changed.
As I was basing it on an advertising campaign to promote the newest release of Arrested Development, I went in search of some information about Arrested Development's audience and any advertising that may have already been released previously when it was aired in America originally.
I then found this article, which means that anything I do in terms of marketing for the show would be kind of out of whack with the show and it's audience...

My idea wasn't going to be totally in people's faces, but is certainly less subtle and clever than what Netflix have already begun to do to promote the new series, which includes fake shows such as this which link to Arrested Development't main page.

Such a good idea! And one that I would not like to compete with.

So, it's back to the drawing board to come up with another good and another set of research in time for all the related deadlines. Yay for me!

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