21 February 2013

Collaborative Practice: Development

Because we have the Northern Romance concept, we have decided to make the phrases for the cards humorous and tongue in cheek, and obviously related to stereotypical Northern objects such as pies. Because it's a younger audience we are targeting the cards at, we believe that the quotes would be taken as funny, and not deemed offensive.

Possible phrases that we've created for the cards

'Can I dunk my biscuit in your brew?'

'You look bloody fantastic...'

'I can't be with someone who calls it dinner and not tea...'

'You have an amazing pair of tits...I mean eyes...'

'I'm taking you out for the finest chippy tea you've ever tasted...'

'The Pie's on me...'

'Give us a taste of yer pie...'

'Y'alright chuck/love?'

'Plenty more fish and chips int'sea...'

'Can I be the toad in your hole...'

'Let me the filling in your pie...'

'I was a jammy bastard the day I met you...'

'You're on par with a yorkshire brew...'

Some of them are probably a little rude for the brief, but we will edit this range down before we hand them in.

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