15 February 2013

Collaborative Practice Workshop

10 Things me and Suzanne agreed on (decided indivdually)

We both have similar tastes in design
Both interested with print finish in this brief
Both interested in high quality stocks for the cards
Both want to include humour in the finished products
Both agree we need to research into copy writing, phrases and quotes
We have different skills to bring together to balance the designs
We'll work on a time management plan
The style we are wanting to make them in
Lizzi is better at writing, Suzanne is better at drawing and crafting
We need to communicate about the brief every day

List of 5 agreements (decided collaboratively)
Similar creative interests in print, editorial and layout.
Similar sense of humour that we want to include in our products.
Both agree that we need a time management plan to keep in line with to ensure that we organised.
The style we want to create them in.
Both want to focus on the print finishes.

List of 5 differences (decided collaboratively)
I am better at copywriting and dealing with the written side of projects.
Suzanne is better with image and crafting.
I have a better knowledge of typography.
Suzanne is stronger with product ranges and experimentation.
We have different styles of designing.

Problems we could encounter during this collaborative brief
We could potentially have problems with how much time we spend on the brief, one of us may have a greater expectation of the time we will work on it for.
Design decisions could be argued over, and that is difficult to resolve in a 2 person group.
Ethical/Moral/Political stand points could differ and affect the development of the brief

Benefits of working in a collaboration
Different perspectives, ideas and concepts to be shared.
Working together can solve skill gaps to create better work than if you were working individually.
Making designs together = shared costs, resources and workload.
Having work that is dependant on two people means you can be more motivated and disciplined as you know that you can't let the other person down, particularly when it is being entered into a national competition.
Improves your communication skills.

We have decided to choose the YCN UK Greetings card brief to work on, as we feel this was one of the few briefs that appealed to both of us and suited our creative interests in print, type and layout.

Our action plan for over the weekend is to research into types, formats, visuals, context, range, stocks, and words and images based on the north/south divide in England. We are also going to create mood boards of our research for Monday.

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