12 February 2013

Good is: Arrested Development

Why is it Good?

  1. It's laugh out loud funny, thanks to sharp dialogue and slapstick comedy bits.
  2. Over 3 seasons it won six Emmys and a Golden Globe.
  3. It ended after 3 seasons, but is being brought back for a 4th season due to it's fans loyalty and love of the show.
  4. Gillian Flynn of Entertainment Weekly named Arrested Development the best television show of 2005
  5. In 2007, the show was listed as one of Time magazine's "100 Best TV Shows of All-TIME."
  6. Tim Stack of Entertainment Weekly praised the series, saying "Is it beating a dead horse to once again state that this underappreciated gem is the best sitcom on TV? Too bad. Arrested Development is the best sitcom on TV!
  7. The 2004 Television Critics Association Awards for Outstanding Comedy and Outstanding New Program, and the 2005 award for Outstanding Achievement in Comedy.
  8. The writing is incredibly clever, with hidden and recurring jokes running throughout the 3 seasons.
  9. There are at least 5 Arrested Development fan sites devoted to the show.
  10. The strong cast, who won several accolades for their performances and have appeared in many great shows since, e.g Michael Cera.

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