5 March 2013

Individual Practice: Penguin Adult Design Brief

Here is the brief for the Penguin Design Award: Adult Brief, which I have placed alongside my concept for the brief, which involves using design to reference what I felt were the most important aspects of the book: guns and the sense of layering. I have chosen to do the Penguin Design brief because I am interested in book cover design, and a brief like this is perfect because it allows you to work on a pre existing book so that all you need to focus on is the design, instead of worrying about sourcing an idea for a made up book and having the added pressure of needing to create copy and a name etc. It's also quite a well known design award, and to win this or even place would be amazing. The first prize is a month long placement, which would give me the valuable experience I really want to gain in book design. I don't think that this brief will be easy, as the cover they want needs to be striking and quite concept driven to stand out, but I like the idea of having to concentrate the book's themes and narrative into a book cover that has strong visual impact and is clever, so that it is memorable and desirable.

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