6 March 2013

Individual Practice: Penguin Design Ideas

Here are my initial design ideas for the Penguin brief to redesign the book cover of 'The Big Sleep'.
I am really excited about doing this brief because I always love looking at and collecting book covers. Part of the brief from Penguin is that you have to actually read the book, which was challenging because it isn't a genre I have ever really looked at before and I can be quite a slow reader. Luckily, the book was really interesting and I can see why it is considered a classic novel by so many.
The plot is incredibly layered and complex, and some parts I admittedly had to re read to fully understand them. The writing is also smart and witty, and I would really like to read it again when I have more time to get my head around it properly.

I decided to draw up a mind map to quickly get down all the themes that are found in the book, and the characters that I should focus on. The main character is Phillip Marlowe, a private detective, and the story is written in the first person as he investigates a case brought to him by General Sternwood, a rich elderly man. His two daughters are also a large part of the book, Vivian and Carmen.

My design ideas are mainly based on the idea of layers in the plot, or the use of guns which feature heavily in the story. I would like to experiment with the use of photographic imagery firstly, as I feel this would communicate the ideas with more realism. 

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