13 March 2013

Individual Practice: Very Mini Evaluation

Name of Brief: Very
Time taken to complete: Approx 5 months

Overall I am happy with the designs that I produced, although I was surprised by how challenging it was to create work for this kind of competition brief. It definitely felt restrictive for a long time, until I decided to push the design ideas into a different direction than Very originally wanted to take it. On the brief it did say that some changes could be made, but they didn't want a total reinvention. I hope that I got the balance right with the my designs. The designs of the website and their other material is all quite garish and bright, and in my opinion doesn't really reach the older female target audience, instead it looked like it appealed to teenagers. So I tried to create designs that felt a little more grown up and in keeping with designer fashion, but still working with the basics required, should as the Myriad Pro typeface and the Very logo. I also tried to ensure that the paler pink colour I used was actually a tone of their original bright pink.
The format I created, the app, I thought worked out well, because it was organised and had a concept that I think would appeal to their target audience.  I am disappointed that I didn't figure the concept out earlier so that I could really push it like I had originally wanted to. It would have been good to try and include some printed material, but I didn't have enough time, and didn't want to rush it in the end.
My main aim from the individual practice brief was to try and work more with subjects such as music and fashion, so I am glad that I chose this brief as I finally got a chance to work with something fashion related.

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