8 May 2013

What is Good: Stamp Design

As part of the branding colateral, I want to create some rubber stamps that I can use to print onto several different products to personalise them further and have more of a consistency throughout the branding. It is a product that I have noticed throughout a lot of my research into branding and identity for restaurants and shops, and I think that they are really visually effective as well as being practical.

I have designed two stamps, one rectangular which will be like the logo I have already designed, that can be applied to business cards and bags, and another circular one which can applied to the other printed products for consistency. Stamping also works with the traditional, friendly image of the store, as it is a traditional print process that adds an authenticity to the printed products that cannot be achieved by digitally printing. Also it means that I can print in a few different colours really easily and they can applied to a broader range of products. Because of the time constraints this method of printing is also beneficial as it means that I can print manually and quickly without having to book out time screen printing or printing with James. I have found an online service where I can send the pdfs off to, and they will create the stamps for me. In laser cutting I have attempted to make a wood cut stamp before but it has not been successful, and I also know that you cannot use rubber in laser cutting, so it makes more sense for me to send off for them. These are the two stamps that will be made.

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