24 April 2012

OUGD404 Evaluation

1.  What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them? 

There are numerous skills that I have begun to develop after working on this module, such as understanding colour theory, understanding and applying grids and layout design, and photography skills . I have also learnt simple bookbinding skills during the what is a line brief, which I want to continue developing during the next few weeks for the last briefs of this year.
The sessions we've had on colour theory have been applied to all of the briefs since the beginning of the year when we first learnt about them, although I have yet to fully explore colour in my work as much I've wanted to, and I hope to do that more effectively as time goes on.
 The sessions we had based on layout and grid design were interesting and incredibly relevant to our design practice in all areas, because the skills we learnt there are what makes our work look more professional, and I think that I have started to apply it more successfully to my work that I had previously, although this is a skill I hope to develop more in the coming modules, as at the moment I have been using very basic layouts. Our sessions on type and the anatomy were also very informative and I think that my understanding of these has applied to my design practice since. 
Some of my favourite sessions from the module were using the photography equipment and learning more about taking quality photographs, although I have yet to apply them to my own practice successfully. 

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process? 

Drawing out and preparing layouts and working out grid systems before applying them into Indesign has been the main method that I have found to have informed my design development during this module. I have learnt that drawing and working out designs is the best way to work in graphic design because it gives you a clearer focus once you are working digitally, although I need to apply this skill more regularly as I am still in the habit of simply experimenting on the software. 
I also think that the skills we have been taught during this module have meant that I am now more informed in general, which has developed my design development by allowing me to understand how to edit my designs and become more analytical of my work as I continue. 
I am now also more aware of the choices I am making, and thinking more about the reasoning behind my designs. 

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these? 

During this module, I found that I most enjoyed and found my work was strongest in photography and grid and layout, compared to anatomy of type and colour theory. During the next few weeks of the course I am hoping to capitalise on the skills I learnt in photography and grid and layout to explore design possibilities for the final briefs. I also enjoyed the what is a line brief, and think that although I know there are areas of it that could be improved, I am developing a love for creating publications and given a little more time I can begin to capitalise on the bookbinding skills I learnt to create something of a high quality. 

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future? 

The main weaknesses I have identified in this module are management of both time and the projects, and also finishing the resolution to the highest standard. There is always something that I should have been doing with this module to heighten my understanding, but I let other briefs and modules come first despite the fact that this module underpins my understanding of design practice. 
In terms of finishing the projects, I always spend so much time on the digital content of the work that I fail to think properly about the finished quality of the resolution, such as stock, finishing, folding neatly and presenting it in a stylish way. I am going to try and leave more time at the end of a project to think about these things, and also research more online and in books about appropriate stock and finishing techniques. 

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these? 

I will manage the projects that I have more effectively so that I can spread my time more evenly between them, which I hope will mean that my understanding of principles will develop and improve, and the quantity of work I produce will be higher and of more value. 
I will research more into the anatomy of type as I want to better understand one of the fundamental areas of design, that way I can better make use of it in my designs. 
I will explore colour theory more in my design work, and make more use of the pantone swatches available to us, so that I can improve the quality of my printed work, and be more daring visually with my colour choices to create more interesting designs. 
I want to make more use of the photography resources here at Blenheim, and attempt more photographic work, so that I can develop these skills and use imagery more effectively in my graphic design resolutions in the future. 
I will continue to explore the principles of type, grid and layout in the future so that I can begin to develop more editorial work, which is something I really enjoy doing and want to improve on.

Attendance - 4
Punctuality - 4
Motivation - 3
Commitment - 3
Quantity of work produced - 3
Quality of work produced - 3
Contribution to the group - 2

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