4 December 2012

ISTD Rewritten Brief

OUGD504 Design for Print and Web

The brief
Using primarily typography based designs, celebrate and explore the song lyrics of influential Manchester based bands from the 20th Century, through both design for print, and design for web.

The development of mass media led to an explosion of creative songwriting over the 20th Century, but that still persists to this day. The lyricists art has informed and influenced contemporary culture at every level, and you should celebrate this art form through your work. Manchester was, and still is an incredibly influential city within the music industry, and some of England's greatest and most culturally relevant bands are from in and around Manchester.


Target audience
The primary audience for this brief will be music enthusiasts, who have a passion and a knowledge of 20th century music, and in particular the Manchester music scene.

Tone of Voice

Mandatory Requirements
A range of products, both printed and screen based, that celebrate and reflect the spirit of the music you choose to explore, through typography mainly, but relevant imagery may also be used if appropriate.


Research and Development 
Dummy/Prototype(s)/Proposals (where necessary)
Evidence of systematic and organised development of source material posted to your Design Practice Blog / 
Evidence of research into appropriate contexts of designing for print, web posted to your Design Context blog /A range of products which may include; mock ups, final artworks, and a fully functioning index file / A PDF of 5 presentation boards summarising the key practical, conceptual and technical decisions.
This should be posted to your design Practice blog via Issuu

Studio Deadline

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