14 January 2013

ISTD: Applying the Logo/Possible Products

Initially, I would like to have the logo applied to at least a proposed shop front, a t-shirt and canvas tote, and then posters promoting the shop within the area.

So far, I have applied the logo to a flyer, poster and a t-shirt, and overall I am happy with the way it is looking.

T Shirt - Not keen on the blue but I like the way it
appears centrally on the t-shirt. 

This was my first attempt at a flyer, but the
composition felt empty, and I wasn't keen on
the serif type I was using for it, even though I have
used it on my typography posters.

Since I'm mainly pleased with the layout of the flyer, which is quite basic but gets the message
across, I wanted to experiment with different colour ways to see which would work better between
brights, pastels and opposites. I think the brights work the best, and realistically would be cheaper to print if I could find the right colour of stock, although the pastels and the opposites feel more
contemporary. The opposite colours would also work with the bright, acid house style of the music. 
However, the bright colours also work well for this, and the yellow is similar to the style of Factory Records which is synonymous with Manchester and Music culture, which would work well. 

I'm not sure about the layout of the poster, but I do want to keep information on it a minimum. I'm hoping having only the name and the address would intrigue people to go and explore the shop, but the logo helps to communicate the kind of music that would feature in the shop. I want to develop the colour a bit more just like with the flyer. 

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