21 March 2013

Responsive: Final Crit

Design Boards taken into the crit:
We had a crit of all the work we had completed for the Responsive module today, with the idea of how the design boards were presented being a central focus of the critting. It is important for us to be presenting our work as if we were already professional designers, because it is really only a year until we will be out there in the big bad world of Graphic Design with the rest of them. This is still an area I struggle with, especially as I don't feel that my photography and photoshopping skills are as good as other people's on the courses, and on design boards that is an important skill to have, as it provides the most impact for the products you have made. I was grateful for the feedback I got, and I am going to spend the next few weeks trying to design boards that have greater impact.

Feedback received.

Good boards - layout appropriate to each brief
Strong use of typography throughout
Great copywriting
Excellent range of work
Clearly met requirements for each brief with a solid concept and informed design
Presentation boards are clearly laid out and well explained

Areas for Improvement:
Could develop some of the shorter briefs e.g make business cards for the logo briefs
Some of the mock ups could be done onto photographic instead of illustrated products such as the Very billboard
More consideration of the impact board for Very, such as a background colour
Type is too big on some of the boards

Additional Comments:
Could print off some of the products I have proposed for hand in
Could develop photography skills
Consider use of colour more, be more experimental away from using black

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