4 April 2013

Individual Practice: Penguin Adult Competition Submission

I have now uploaded my book cover design for the Penguin Adult prize to design for The Big Sleep.

Tweaks made to the cover include:
Removing the white bar on the spine and replacing the black text with white to ensure it stands out sufficiently, addition of more copy as required by the brief, the justification of the text, general tidying up of the copy so that it looks more professional and well executed.

Final Cover

The Required Submission Boards to the competition:

I made some tweaks to my artwork, such as adding more copy and some little photoshopping errors I had made, as I wanted it to look as well executed as possible for the judges. I am happy with the work I have submitted, although given more time I feel like I could have pushed the idea a little further.
My original idea had been to use layers in a more literal sense, with a collage of the guns ripped up to represent the different characters in the book, but unfortunately I couldn't get this done the way I wanted to in the time I had left to complete it. I'm not sure if I expect this cover to place, as the judges might not believe it is as concept driven as other entries, but I am very glad that I have entered and worked on this, as I love creating book covers and intend to focus on this part of my practice more in the future, hopefully in the third year I can enter again and give more time to it.

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